Reading Habits

I think the people in these images are reading varied books from a public library, a biology (or similar) book, an e-book on an e-reader, a children’s book, and a newspaper. It’s impossible to know, but I guess that all of them have chosen the texts they’re reading, except for the children in the classroom, as they all seem to be reading the same book.

Everyone in the pictures seems to be having a good time, even the children in the classroom. They all look concentrated and relaxed, absorbed in their own thoughts, which is something that I find really appealing about reading.

There’s one picture that is a little different, though, which is the one with the little girl and the older person, because they are not alone in their thoughts there, they’re sharing the experience of reading. This is the photo that I find the most linked to my own experience, because it reminds me of when I was a little girl myself, when I would share the experience of reading with older people in my family. In fact, the woman in the picture kind of looks like my grandma!

However, the picture that relates the most to the way I read now, both in my L1s and L2s, is the one where a woman is reading an e-book. Today, I tend to read books on my Kindle (for space reasons), and newspaper and magazine articles (and some other stupid stuff, let’s admit it) on my cell phone or computer. Not much love for paper these days.

I read online every day, which is also useful for preparing my classes, and I also enjoy reading novels and poetry. I tend to read novels in my L2s (English, French and Portuguese) and poetry in English and in my L1s (Galician and Spanish). I think it’s because I want to learn more about the literatures that I have not read so extensively (I studied Translation and Interpreting, so I’ve only read and studied the literature that I have chosen for pleasure, not as part of my degree). And I also need to fill a void in poetry in my mother tongues.

I should spend more time reading literature and less time on the internet, as I used to do when the internet was not so ubiquitous; anyways, I really enjoy the peacefulness of reading in the morning, before going to work (I usually work in the afternoon), and, in the summer, reading outside in a quiet place. When I was a child, I would read in bed, before going to sleep, but, I don’t know why, I don’t do that anymore.
