Video presentation

My school is already at the end of the second term and it was impossible for me to develop the project with my students as required by the task, so I contacted my tutor and he gave me the possibility to do something myself using Genially. Therefore, since in this section of the course we were talking about speaking, correcting errors and giving feedback, I decided to create a video presentation including the most common errors that I have observed my students make.

In general, I don’t like to interrupt my students when they are speaking, and I do correct their texts, but sometimes I feel that there is too much information for them to process at once. So, from time to time, I make a compilation of the things that are common to almost everyone and devote some minutes to that in class. This time, I decided to make this presentation and share it with my students on our Moodle, so that they can go back to it whenever they want. I think I have included the most important issues they have (in speaking and writing), and have tried to make it a little fun.

I had already used Genially, but had not tried many of its functionalities (for presentations to be used in class, I usually use Canva). However, I think it’s a great tool, that makes it very easy to introduce different elements and make a presentation more interactive, especially if it’s going to be uploaded to a website, instead of used in the classroom. I have included some of those interactive elements, but I’m not sure if they’re easy to see, or if you have to be familiar with Genially to find them.

Here’s my video presentation about common errors in my C1.1 class:


  1. Hi Auria! I really like your blog, and I find it useful because we both teach at the EOI. I'd like to highlight your writing, which is perfect...very nice English and beautiful style. You really have a way with words, which makes it so easy to read! I've had problems though to see the Genially presentation embedded here and I think if you linked the resource instead it would work better. That's all. Keep up the excellent work!


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